

A fulfilling work for life


The future of society, the future of work.

Generation Z refers to the generation born between the mid-1990s and 2010. In Japan, this generation accounts for 15% of the total population, and 32% worldwide. Generation Z’s values and consumer behavior have attracted a great deal of attention, and they are interested in multifaceted thinking, including a conscious commitment to social and environmental topics.

Their work values are not limited to money; they also tend to emphasize a sense of meaning and mission, such as what they do their work for. Many also believe that benefits and a healthy, flexible work environment are more important than salary. In addition, after the era of remote work, building relationships and a sense of community are also considered more important items.

While more flexible options in work have made it easier to pursue what you love, it is difficult to work doing only what you love.

Just how can we enjoy and love doing what we do more? In this newsletter, we will examine the “fulfilled way of work”.

The 5 Things Gen Z Is Looking for in a Job and Career (Entrepreneur)


Connections that Enrich "Work”

The warmth of spring is reminiscent of goodbyes and beginnings.

As you celebrate the new beginnings of friends and colleagues, do you ever find yourself wondering if you love your current job and if it is connected to what you want to accomplish in the long run?

Forbes states that one way to love your job is to feel connected to others around you, including your colleagues. One of the most important elements of happiness is feeling connected to others, and it is said that 75% of lasting friendships come from work.

Last month I visited an international organization in New York City and spoke with a staff member about his career. In their work, which is a back-and-forth between management and fieldwork, they said that “who you are working with and for” is a major motivating factor. My colleagues are rich people who have had a variety of experiences leading up to this environment. Just talking with them is full of learning, but sharing the same mission brings us closer and closer together. Also, the fieldwork, which takes place mainly in developing countries, fosters a greater sense of responsibility by capturing the people living the social problems they wish to solve and working with them on a daily basis,” he told us.

Thus, rather than seeking answers to questions in the actual content of the work at hand itself, it is useful to reflect on the social connections that build our days. Let’s not rush into the spring air and take another look at our work with a fresh perspective.

Learn To Love Your Job (Even If You Don’t Right Now) (Forbes)

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