

Technology and the Future of Work


Democratization of AI and the Future of Work

The democratization of auto-generated AI is finally coming to fruition. ChatGPT, an interactive AI, has surpassed 100 million MAUs in just 2 months. AI is playing a big role in surprisingly familiar situations, from college report assignments to ES.

Goldman Sachs research shows that auto-generated AI could increase global GDP by 7%. On the other hand, it also points out that auto-generated AI will automate 1/4 of jobs in the US and Europe, affecting 300 million workers.

There are also not a few voices that see the rapid rise of auto-generated AI as dangerous, and not just in terms of employment. For example, the Italian government has banned the use of ChatGPT, claiming that (1) the collection of vast amounts of personal data and (2) the lack of an age verification system is against the Personal Data Protection Law. Other issues include plausible lies and the risk of generating and disseminating harmful content.

A number of businessmen and experts, including Elon Musk, have signed a “Pause Letter” calling for a six-month halt to development in order to improve governance surrounding auto-generated AI. This time in the opinion section, we will discuss tips for working with AI.

Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter (future of life)


AI updates and our work

ChatGPT is taking the world by storm.How will our ways of working evolve with the evolution of AI as it becomes a part of our lives?

Anu Madgavkar, director of labor market research at McKinsey Global Institute, estimates that one in four American workers will see more AI and technology in their jobs.

More noteworthy than the negative perspective of threatening jobs are the positive possibilities that AI offers, according to Professor Julie Shah of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, who is working with employers to have AI and robots used to “augment and enhance workers, not replace them.” He says that he is working with employers to have AI and robots used to “augment and enhance rather than replace workers.

He also says that while AI can streamline tasks previously performed by people, it also creates a role in managing and guiding technology AI research scientists, consultants, and sales are emerging as the new jobs around the industry.

There is no right way to deal with this somewhat elusive technology. Recently, Elon Musk and other business leaders signed an open letter calling for a pause in AI development. The letter argues that it is not enough to simply accelerate the evolution of technology, but that the dangers must be properly assessed.

Our work will require more flexibility and creativity in the AI debate, which is likely to swing in the future. We will need to keep an increasingly watchful eye on our work to ensure the richness of our lives and the satisfaction of our jobs while preparing for the risks.

US experts warn AI likely to kill off jobs – and widen wealth inequality (The Guardian)

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