How to make motivation your friend
Preparing for May Blues
Around the beginning of the Golden Week holidays, many people may experience symptoms of “May Blue,” such as not wanting to go to school or work, feeling somewhat unwell, or having trouble concentrating. In a survey conducted by Health Care Technologies Corporation, a subsidiary of SOFTBANK, more than 55% of respondents answered that they have experienced “May Blue”.
The main cause is the stress of an unfamiliar new life. However, positive changes such as going to the school of one’s choice or getting a promotion can also cause stress that anyone could experience.
In addition, about 18% of the respondents answered “more than 2 months” when asked about the recovery time from May blues. This indicates that May illness has a much greater impact on society than the mere notion of a “slump after the holidays.
May blues are unique to Japan, but in other countries, a depressed mood after the holiday season is called “January blues. It seems that the symptoms of motivation going down after a change in environment or after a vacation are common all over the world.
As we approach the turn of the GW season in Japan, how can we deal with our own motivation? In the following OPINION, we will discuss how to deal with low motivation, which we would like to practice during Golden Week holidays.
A positive approach to motivation
A new life begins in April. This spring was a major milestone for me, as I entered graduate school. I was very excited in April because I was going to study in a new place in a different field from that of my bachelor. By the time I had finally decided on courses and labs and settled into my student life, it was already May. With classes and assignments on weekends as well, I sometimes find it difficult to switch to classes and work after a day off. We have things to do, but we can’t seem to get motivated to do them. How should we control our motivation in such situations?
According to “How to Work When You Don’t Feel Like It” published in Harvard Business Review, Motivation is apparently not personal. And there are individual differences in the ability to control motivation. Among the methods that have been shown to be effective by the study are several.
First and foremost, it seems that goal design is the most important of all. Just as the beginning of anything is important, it is necessary to make a plan with an end in mind. It is also effective to give yourself rewards for each small step. It is also important not to try to complete the work alone. This is not about delegating work to someone else, but about creating a cycle of improving one’s own work through firm interactive interactions. This is about getting small feedback from your boss and working with colleagues who can help you think positively.
Before the Golden Week break, take another look at your work environment and organize your tasks.
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